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Your tax-deductible contribution to Or Hadash may be directed to one of our special purpose funds, including:
General Fund, Rabbi Ratner's Discretionary Fund, Rabbi Colin's Discretionary Fund, Adult Education, Holocaust Education, Israel Action, Kulanu/Education, Kiddush, Minyan, Neshama, Operation Hope Meals, K'tanim Preschool, Sisterhood, Tikkun Olam (Repair the World), and Tzedakah.
Please use the form below to submit your donation and use the dropdown menu to make your selection.
Thank you for your generosity.
Please use dropdown menu below to choose the fund you would like to apply your donation.

Please note: Your form submission is not complete until payment is processed.
Payment may be made via credit card or e-check on the next screen.

Donations can be mailed to:
Or Hadash, 1200 Fairfield Woods Road, Fairfield, CT 06825.

For other forms of payment, please contact the office at (203) 374-5544, send an e-mail

Thank you for your generosity.


Mon, January 27 2025 27 Tevet 5785